One guy's life

Friday, June 10, 2005

Hi .... err... this is me

Look, I'm new to this whole blog thing. So what am I supposed to write? Well perhaps I ought to start with a bit about me. I am 32, live in Bedfordshire (England) and own a house with my partner Jen.

I am a little concerned that middle age is starting to hit me. Why's that? In a word - gardening. Not so long ago I thought the preponderence of gardening shows on tv on a Friday night was criminal. Now, since buying a house with a garden I've got really into gardening. I perhaps lack the patience of the seasoned gardener (I risk ovedosing my plants with Miracle-Gro in the hope that they'll grow quicker). I even bought a gardening magazine teh other week for Chrissakes!

When I took up watercolour painting a few years ago I decided I wasn't becomming middle-aged, everyone needs a way of de-stressing. I cn get away with that once, but not twice. So be it. I have grey hair and I like to garden - bring on the zimmer!

Other than that, at the moment the cricket season is in full swing. I play for 2 teams: Cranfield University on Saturdays and Olney Town on Sundays. Last year I had my best ever year, winning the batting award for both teams and the League as well as Player of the season for Cranfield. I didn't think I could top that, but so far this year I am doing even better. It can't last of course, but please God let this be my golden season! Just one year where everything goes right, I get no injuries and the fickle finger of dodgy umpiring stays pointed downwards.

Well, that's my brief intro, a kind of 'State of the Union' only without the lies.


Blogger The Gypsy said...


seemed a little odd to celebrate your entry in the foray of blog-stardom under the cancer posting so came here instead.
love your writing style, and if gardenening makes you middle aged i had my mid life crisis at seven.
Sure your confidence re the big C is not misplaced. Believe enough and things come true I find so keep at it and get your frioend to do likewise. All thsi I should worry stuff is I reckon much less effective than I should have faith as a motto.

Julie x

10:28 am


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