One guy's life

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Sage Returns

It's been a long time, but I'm back. There's so much that I could stay but for now let's return to the general premise from the last post: my adventures in quizland.

Since the last post I have risen to number 46 in the UK quiz rankings. This doesn't mean that I've suddenly become good. I'm just a little less average than I was before. In the Order of Merit I was awarded the rank of Sage. A naff title, but what it means is that based on performances last season I am in the 4th tier of quizzing (after Grand Masters, Masters and Candidate Masters, but better than Novices). Actually my performances weren't of Sage standard (IMHO), but I simply didn't attend enough events to earn enough points to qualify for Candidate Master status. So far this season I am comfortably ahead of the qualification pace for CM. So hopefully this time next year I will have moved up a grade.

In 2 weeks time I head off to Blackpool for the European Championships. These promise to bigger and better than ever before. But Blackpool???? Bad memories of NUS Conference squalor come flooding back. I'm sure it'll be great, and with people coming from all over Europe not to mention India and the US I'm really looking forward to it.

So I'm back. Older, and a little wiser than before. But I'll leave it there while I ponder which nuggets of my life outside quiz to bore you with.

Take care

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