One guy's life

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

marriage and memories

When I was younger, I had more crushes than Big Daddy wrestling Ronnie Corbett. I got used to the girls I fancied being with other guys, often complete muppetts who treated them appallingly. I hoped they'd get sick of the b*stards (their words), and when pouring their hearts out to me about yet another let-down they'd realise that I wasnt like that. I always comforted myself with the thought that girlfriends and boyfriends split up, it's not a permanent thing.

Well now all these year's later I am happily in a long term relationship. And last night I went out with an old friend and her fiance. I used to fancy her (please note: used) but long since got over it. So now she is getting married, and her fiance is a really nice bloke - not a b*stard, just a regular guy. But I couldn't help thinking: If you are happy to settle down with this guy, how the hell did I miss out all those year's ago? Why did you persist with b*stards for all that time when I was ready to worship the ground you walked on?

Of course there are no palatable answers to such questions, and perhaps I am better off not knowing the truth. So after a very pleaseant evening hearing about wedding plans and catching up on gossip I retired home to my girfriend, who I love, without regretting how things have turned out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:55 pm

Blogger flashman said...

Are you sure you're not channelling my life? It's like you reached into my brain and pulled out this story, wholesale.

1:10 am

Blogger Gruff said...

It probably just goes to show that women and men are the same the world over

9:40 am


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