One guy's life

Monday, July 17, 2006

Feelin hot hot hot

We are in the middle of a July in a Summer that is destined to be known as "The Long Hot Summer of 06". In my office the temperature is currently 27degreesC. Outside it is 32 or 33. In my garden I am having a constant battle to keep this season's plants alive whilst battling the weeds that perversely don't seem to require water.

Not so long ago I was a tourist in !Paris . The temperature was around 27 every day and it felt too hot. Now I long for such moderate temperatures. At the weekend I played two cricket matches and it really took it out of me. The first wasn't too bad, but yesterday we spent 3 hours fielding in 30+ degree heat. So what? you cry. Well in my case as a wicket keeper that meant 3 hours of squats in 30 degree heat with the (more than) occasional dive for the ball. Despite two drinks breaks during that innings, at tea I worked my way through over two litres of fluid and was still thirsty when I went out to bat. Lucky then, that I wasn't batting for long. My dehydrated body was unable to cope with a delivery that would have probably beaten me at my peak. As it was I stood statuesque as the ball swung like a banana and took out my leg stump.

Apparently we might be due a drop of rain in September. Here's hoping! For the foreseeable future there doesn't seem to be much chance of relief from the heat. It'll be 36+ on Wednesday and I'll be commuting to London. Hurrah


Blogger The Gypsy said...

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4:38 pm

Blogger The Gypsy said...

yep, too hot says the fat girl

4:41 pm


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